Here are some books and free downloads with links that can help you learn more about the condition and take the steps you can take to get better: Building Social Confidence by Lynne Henderson The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook by Antony and Swinson The Confidence Gap by Russ Harris The Centre for Clinical Interventions in Australia offers free downloadable …
Recovering From Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is very treatable. Here are some approaches that can help. Reframing: As with other anxiety disorders, with social anxiety your brain is playing a trick on you. It’s telling you that you are in danger, but actually you are just feeling discomfort. When you experience the “fight or flight” reaction, the physiological changes you are experiencing (sympathetic …
Social Anxiety and Social Phobia
Do you suffer from social anxiety or have a social phobia? If so, you’re not alone. Approximately 12% of the population in the U.S, or 19.2 million people, suffer from this condition. It is the third most prevalent psychological issue in the United States, coming in third behind depression and alcohol dependence. The anxiety in social anxiety is concentrated on fear of …